Miracles of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

  1. The Quran

    The Quran is considered the greatest miracle of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It is viewed as a literary masterpiece and a source of guidance, unmatched in its eloquence, depth, and wisdom. Muslims believe it to be the direct word of God, revealed to Muhammad over 23 years.

  2. The Night Journey and Ascension (Isra and Mi'raj)

    According to Islamic tradition, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was taken on a miraculous journey in one night:

    • Isra: He traveled from Mecca to Jerusalem on a special steed called Buraq.
    • Mi'raj: From Jerusalem, he ascended through the heavens, meeting various prophets and witnessing the wonders of Paradise and Hell. This journey culminated in his meeting with God, where he was instructed on the number of daily prayers for Muslims.
  3. Splitting of the Moon

    The splitting of the moon is one of the most famous miracles. The Quraysh tribe in Mecca asked Muhammad for a sign to prove his prophethood. In response, the moon split into two distinct halves, which then rejoined. This event is referenced in the Quran (54:1-2).

  4. Water Flowing from His Fingers

    During an expedition, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions ran out of water. He miraculously caused water to flow from between his fingers, allowing everyone to drink and perform ablution.

  5. Multiplication of Food

    There are several instances where food and water were miraculously multiplied:

    • During the Battle of the Trench, a small amount of barley and goat meat cooked by Jabir ibn Abdullah sufficed to feed a large number of people.
    • On another occasion, a small amount of dates provided by the Prophet fed many men, women, and children.
  6. Healing the Sick and Injured

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) performed several healing miracles:

    • He healed the broken leg of Abdullah ibn Atik by passing his hand over it.
    • Ali ibn Abi Talib's eye was healed by the Prophet's saliva during the Battle of Khaybar.
  7. Prophecies

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) made several prophecies about future events:

    • He predicted the defeat of the Persians by the Romans, which occurred within the time frame he specified.
    • He foretold the martyrdom of his companions, such as Umar bin al-Khattab, Uthman ibn Affan and Ammar ibn Yasir.
  8. The Tree that Wept

    A tree trunk used by the Prophet as a pulpit began to cry audibly when he switched to a new pulpit. He comforted the tree, which then stopped crying, showing its love and longing for the Prophet.

  9. Protection from Harm

    On several occasions, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was protected from harm:

    • During the Hijra (migration) to Medina, he and his companion Abu Bakr were hidden in a cave, and a spider spun a web across the entrance, making it appear undisturbed and thus protecting them from their pursuers.
    • His enemies failed to see him when they intended to harm him, despite being in close proximity.
  10. Invocations and Supplications

    The Prophet's prayers were answered in miraculous ways:

    • His prayer for rain during times of drought resulted in immediate rainfall.
    • He invoked blessings on food and water, which then increased in huge quantity.

There are many more miracles, but only listing a few of them.

* (pbuh) = Peace be upon him