No Other Religion Has Proof
There is no other religion that has abosolute proof of truth today.
It is logical to think that there cannot be two or more truths that contradict each other. Let's' take the example 3 biggest religions - Islam, Christianity and Hinduism. If Christianity or Hinduism is true then Islam can't be true. If Islam is true then Christianity and Hinduism both are not true.
How do we know that Christianity and Hinduism are not true?
Well, first we need the proof that Christian and Hindu scriptures are purely from God. The unseen matters, like what happens after we die, can't come from science or human research (excluding revelation). Science cannot answer this question, as science is not meant to answer this question. This answer can only come from God (Allah) to us in ways that our intellect accepts.The very fact that the Christian and Hindu scriptures are corrupted or human hand have modified them are enough to say that they don't contain the truth anymore. Moreover you will find religious texts like Bible, Torah have many contradictions, if you study academically.
Now Come to Islam - Simple Summary of the Truth.
There are two things we need to prove academically1) Prophet Muhammad (sws) is the true prophet of Allah and not a false prophet.
2) The Quran is revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad (sws) and the Quran has been preserved since they were revealed to Prophet Muhammad (sws).
Both of these two points are proven academically, not just by belief. So now we have to believe whatever Quran contains about the hearafter, Paradise/Hell and so on.
Is There Any Other True Prophet after Muhammad (sws).
No.If you think there is any, then call us and we want to hear from you! You have to prove it and disprove Islam!