The Origin of the Doctrine of Jesus as God

The Christian doctrine that Jesus is God is a central tenet of mainstream Christianity today. However, historical analysis reveals that this belief was not explicitly taught by Jesus himself. Instead, it was developed and propagated by figures like St. Paul and later made official by Roman Emperor Constantine in the early 4th century.

St. Paul's Influence

St. Paul, originally known as Saul of Tarsus, played a crucial role in spreading Christianity beyond Jewish communities and into the Gentile world. Paul's epistles, which form a significant portion of the New Testament, emphasize the divinity of Jesus. He referred to Jesus as the "Son of God" and suggested his divine nature (Romans 1:4, Philippians 2:6-11). This interpretation was instrumental in shaping early Christian theology.

Council of Nicaea and Constantine

The doctrine of Jesus as God was further solidified during the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE, convened by Emperor Constantine. The council aimed to address various theological disputes, including the nature of Jesus. The resulting Nicene Creed affirmed the belief in Jesus as God co-eternal with the Father. This declaration was a response to Arianism, which argued that Jesus was a created being and not divine.

Historical Context and Development

Before the Council of Nicaea, there were diverse views about Jesus' nature within the early Christian community. Some early Christians, particularly those influenced by Jewish monotheism, viewed Jesus as a prophet or a special human being chosen by God. Others, influenced by Hellenistic thought, began to see Jesus as a divine figure.

Constantine's conversion to Christianity and his subsequent support for the Nicene Creed played a pivotal role in unifying Christian doctrine under the belief in Jesus' divinity. His political and military power helped enforce this orthodoxy across the Roman Empire.

God Sent Muhammad (PBUH) to Correct Christian Theology

God sent Muhammad (PBUH) to correct Christian theology as written Quran and Hadith, Quran says that previous revelations, including those given to prophets like Moses and Jesus, were either altered or misinterpreted over time. According to Islamic tradition, the Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as the final and complete guidance for humanity, meant to restore the pure monotheism taught by earlier prophets.

The Quran addresses various theological errors in Christianity, such as the divinity of Jesus and the concept of the Trinity, emphasizing instead the oneness of God (Tawhid). This mission to correct and complete previous scriptures is seen as a fundamental aspect of Muhammad's (PBUH) prophethood. God also ensures the preservation of the text of Quran and clarity of God's true message for all people till the end of time.


In summary, the doctrine that Jesus is God was not a teaching directly from Jesus himself but was developed through the theological contributions of St. Paul and formalized by the actions of Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicaea. This historical evolution highlights the dynamic nature of religious doctrine and its adaptation over time to address theological and political needs.

Further Reading