Book: Al-Muhtadirin [The Dyings] by ibn-abi-duniya
Chapter: The Sayings of the Caliphs at the Time of Death
Story: 35 (Page:39)
The Article of the Caliphs at the Approach of Death
Story: 36 (Page:40)
36 - We were narrated by Abdullah who said: We were narrated by Khalaf bin Hisham who said: We were narrated by Abu Shihab the Hennāṭ from Isma'il bin Abi Khalid, from Al-Bahīī who said: "When Abu Bakr was dying, Aisha came and quoted this verse: [The Long Sea] 'By your life, wealth does not avail a youth... when one day he struggles for breath, and his chest is tight.' He then revealed his face and said: 'It is not so, but say: "And the pangs of death came in truth: This is what you have been averting." [Q 19:1], Look at these two garments of mine, wash them and shroud me in them; for the living are more in need of new [clothes] than the dead."
Story: 37 (Page:41)
37 - We were told by Abdullah who said: I was told by Ya'qoub ibn Ubaid who said: We were informed by Yazid ibn Haroun who said: We were informed by Hammad ibn Salama, from Ali ibn Zaid, from Al-Qasim ibn Muhammad, from Aisha who said and Abou Bakr was judging: [The Endless Sea] "and a white face for which clouds are sought... the spring of the orphans, a protection for the widows" (52). Then Abu Bakr said: That is the messenger of Allah, peace be upon him.
Story: 38 (Page:42)
38 - Abdullah narrated: "Ibrahim bin Ziyad Sabalan told us: 'Abbad bin 'Abbad informed us, from Muhammad bin 'Amro, from his father, from his grandfather Alqama bin Waqqas, that Aisha said: "I was with my father as he was dying, sitting near his head. He fell into unconsciousness, so I expressed my feelings with a verse of poetry, saying: 'Whoever's tears never cease, will inevitably face destruction...'
He then lifted his head and said: 'O my daughter, that is not the case, but as Allah has said: "{And the stupor of death will come in truth: 'This is what you have been avoiding.'}" [Q: 19]'."
Story: 39 (Page:43)
39 - Narrated to us by Abdullah who said: Narrated to us by Walid bin Shuja' al-Sakuni, and others who said: Narrated to us by Abu Usama, from Malik bin Mighwal, heard Abu al-Safar said: They entered upon Abu Bakr during his illness and said: "O Successor of the Messenger of Allah, shall we not call for a physician to check on you?" ⦗53⦘ He said: "He has already examined me," they said, "What did he say?" He replied: "I am in control of what I desire"
Story: 40 (Page:44)
40 - Narrated to us by Abdullah who said: Al-Fadl ibn Ja'far told me, who said: narrated to us by Muhammad ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari who said: Abu 'Amir Salih ibn Rustum told me, who said: Abu 'Imran Al-Jawni told me, from Usayr who said: Salman said, "I visited Abu Bakr during his illness and I said, 'O successor of the Messenger of Allah, entrust a pledge to me. Indeed, I do not see that you will entrust anything to me after this day.' He said: 'Yes, O Salman, there will be victories, but I do not know what your share will be from them, whether you retain it in your stomach or throw it on your back. Know that anyone who performs the five prayers, he is under the protection of Allah, so do not kill anyone under the protection of Allah, lest Allah demand you due to his protection, and throw you face down into the fire.'"
Story: 41 (Page:45)
41 - Narrated to us by Abdullah, he said: Salam Bin Junadah told me, he said: Narrated to us 54 - Sulaiman Bin Abdul Aziz Bin Abi Thabit Al-Qurashi, he said: My father told us, from Abdullah Bin Ja'far, from his father, from Miswar Bin Makhramah he said: Ka'b said to Umar, "O the Leader of the Faithful, be prepared; for you will die in three days." Umar said, "By Allah, do you find Umar Bin Al-Khattab in the Torah?" He said, "By Allah, no, but I find your description and your adornment," Umar said: "And Umar does not feel any term or pain."When three days had passed, Abu Luluah stabbed him, and the Migrants and the Supporters began to come unto him, offering their salutations.
Among the people, Ka'b entered. As soon as Umar saw him, he said, "The longer the journey [the lengthier the sea], Ka'b had promised me three times...and there is no doubt what was said to me by Ka'b: I am not afraid of death, for I am bound to die... but beware of sin, for sin will follow."
Story: 42 (Page:46)
42 - Abdullah told us, he said: Ali bin Al-Ja'ad told us, he said: Shu'bah ⦗55⦘, told us on the authority of 'Asim bin 'Ubayd Allah who said: I heard Salim narrating from Ibn 'Umar, who said: During his illness which he died in, Umar's head rested on my lap. He said to me: "put my cheek on the ground". So I said: "What will it affect whether it is on my lap or on the ground?" So he said: "Just place it, may you not be bereaved by your mother". So I placed it, then he said: "Woe is me, woe to my mother if my Lord does not have mercy on me."
Story: 43 (Page:47)
43 - Narrated to us by Abdullah, he said: Narrated to us by Khalid ibn Khidash, he said: Narrated to us by Hammad ibn Zayd, from Hisham, from Al-Hasan, that Umar, when death approached him, said: "If I had everything on earth, I would ransom it to escape the dread of the hereafter."
Story: 44 (Page:48)
44 - Narrated to us by Abdullah who said: My father, may Allah have mercy on him, narrated to me. He said: We were informed by Abu al-Nadhr, from Muhammad bin Muslim, from Amro bin Dinar, who said (56): Omar bin al-Khattab said to me when death approached him, "If I had the world and all that's in it, I would ransom it to save myself from the Fire, even if I do not see it."
Story: 45 (Page:49)
45 - Narrated to us by Abdullah, he said: Dawood bin Amro Ad-Dabbi told us: Muhammad bin Muslim narrated to us, from Amro meaning son of Deenar who said: I heard Aban bin Uthman saying: I entered upon Omar bin al-Khattab when he was stabbed, and his head was in the dirt. I went to raise it, but he said: "Leave me, woe to me, woe to my mother if I am not forgiven. Woe to me, woe to my mother if I am not forgiven."
Story: 46 (Page:50)
46 - Abdullah narrated to us saying: Muhammad son of Idris narrated to us saying: Musaddad narrated to us saying: Abu Awaanah narrated to us, from Dawood son of Abdullah Al-Owadi, from Humeid son of Abdulrahman who said: Ibn Abbas narrated to us saying: When Omar was stabbed, I said to him: "Receive the glad tidings of Paradise," but he said: "By Allah, if I had the world and everything in it, I would ransom it against the terror of what lies ahead before I know what the news is."
Story: 47 (Page:51)
47 - Narrated to us by Abdullah, he said: The Harith son of Muhammad Al-Tamimi told me: Abu Al-Hasan, meaning Ali son of Muhammad Al-Qurashi, narrated from Said son of Muslim son of Banaka, from his father, that Uthman bin Affan said "On the day when he was attacked and killed: [The Endless Sea] I see death leaves no dear one nor leaves... even for Aad, they have no protector in the lands, and no guiding star. He also said: The people of the fortress sleep while the fortress is locked... the mountains in their dazzling extreme reach."
Story: 48 (Page:52)
48 - Abdullah reported to us, he said: "Shuja' ibn Al-Ashras ibn Maymun told me, he said: 'Laith ibn Sa'd narrated to us, from Ubaidullah ibn Al-Mughira, and Abd Al-Karim ibn Al-Harith Al-Hadrami, that Abdullah ibn Salam said to those who were present during the death struggle of Uthman, when Abu Rumman Al-Adhuh struck him, 'What did Uthman say while he was in his death struggle?'
58 They replied, 'We heard him saying, "O Allah, unite the Ummah of Muhammad, O Allah, unite the Ummah of Muhammad, O Allah, unite the Ummah of Muhammad," three times.'
He said, 'By the One in Whose hand is my soul, if he had invoked Allah in that situation for them never to unite, they would indeed never have united until the Day of Judgment.'
Story: 49 (Page:53)
49 - Abdullah narrated to us, saying: Haroun bin Abi Yahya Al-Sulami also recounted to me from an elder of Dabba, that Uthman used to say when he was struck and the blood flowed on his beard: "There is no God but You. Praise be to You. Indeed, I have been among the wrongdoers" [The Prophets: 87]. O Allah! I always take You as a protector against them, and seek Your help in all my affairs, and I ask You for patience for what You have tested me with."
Story: 50 (Page:54)
50 - Narrated to us by Abdullah. He said: I was informed by Bashar ibn Musa. He said: Abdullah ibn Al-Mubarak told us. He said: Yunus ibn Yazid informed me, from Al-Zuhri, from Abu Salamah, from Abu Qatadah, he said: "I entered [the house] of Uthman whilst he was besieged - me and a man from my people - we asked his permission for Hajj (pilgrimage), so he permitted us. When I exited, Al-Hasan ibn Ali greeted me at the door. He entered with his weapon, thus, I returned with him. He entered and stood before Uthman and said: 'O Commander of the Believers, here I am at your service, command me with your order'. Uthman said to him: 'O son of my brother, you have reached out in kinship. The people want no one but me and by Allah, I will not fear for the believers but instead, I sacrifice myself for them. When I heard this from him, I said to him: 'O Commander of the Believers, if your order is to be, then what do you command?' He said: 'Consider that which the nation of Muhammad has agreed upon because Allah does not allow them to agree upon an error. Be with the gathering wherever it may be'".Bashar said: Hammad ibn Zayd narrated this, then he cried, tears filled his eyes and he said: "May Allah have mercy upon the Commander of the Believers, he was besieged for forty nights, not a word came from him that could be an evidence for the heretics".
Story: 51 (Page:55)
51 - Abdullah told us, he said: Abdullah ibn Yunus ibn Bukair narrated to me: my father told me, he said: Ali ibn Abi Fatima al-Ghanawi narrated to me, he said: Asbagh al-Hanzali narrated to me, he said:
"On the night when Ali, may Allah have mercy on him, was injured, Ibn al-Nabbah came to him at dawn to call him for prayer while he was lying down feeling heavy. He came the second time and he was still the same, then came the third time, Ali got up and walked, saying:
[The Sea Rhymed]
Tighten your bells for death... for death is surely coming to you
And do not despair of death... when it comes to your valley
When he reached the small door, 'Abdul Rahman ibn Muljam struck him hard. Umm Kulthum, daughter of Ali, came out crying. She began to say:
What is it with me and the morning prayer? My husband, the leader of the faithful, was killed during the morning prayer, my father was also killed during the morning prayer."
Story: 52 (Page:56)
52 - Abdullah narrated to us, he said: "Haroon ibn Abi Najih informed me, from an elder of Quraysh 61, that when Ali was struck by the son of Muljam, he exclaimed: 'I have triumphed by the Lord of the Kaaba'.
Story: 53 (Page:57)
53 - Narrated to us by Abdullah who said: Abdullah Ibn Yunus Ibn Bukayr related to me, he said: My father narrated to me, from Abi Abdullah Al-Ju'fi, from Jabir, from Muhammad Ibn Ali, that when Ali was struck, he advised his sons, then he only uttered "There is no god but Allah" until Allah took his soul.
Story: 54 (Page:58)
54 - Abd Allah told us. He said: Harun bin Ma'roof told us. He said: Sufyan bin 'Uyaina told me: I heard Isma'il saying: I heard Hisham, He said: Mu'awiya extended his arms as if they were the stems of a palm tree, then he said: "This world is nothing but what we have tasted and tried. By Allah, I would have wished that I did not plunge into you thrice until I join Allah." They said: "O Prince of the Believers, to Allah's mercy and His pleasure," He said: "To whatever Allah wills, Allah knows that I did not falter. And what am I if change happens?"
Story: 55 (Page:59)
55 - Narrated to us by Abdullah, he said: Narrated to us by Abu Kuraib al-Hamdani, he said: Narrated to us ⦗62⦘ Muhammad bin al-Salt, from al-Nadhr bin Isma'il, from Isma'il bin Abi Khalid, from Qais bin Abi Hazim, he said: We entered upon Mu'awiyah during his illness in which he died, and it seemed as if his arms were like two burnt palm fronds. He said: "Indeed, you are going to deal a beating back and forth tomorrow. What young man of any household will be safe from the fire tomorrow?"
Story: 56 (Page:60)
56 - Narrated to us by Abdullah who said: "Narrated to us by Abdur-Rahman bin Salih Al-Azdi who said: Narrated to us by Hafs bin Ghiyath, from Talhah bin Yahya, from Abi Burdah who said: Muawiya said, while he was turning in his illness, and he had become as though he was a burning palm frond: 'Which old man are you turning if God saved him from the fire tomorrow?'"
Story: 57 (Page:61)
57 - We were narrated by Abdullah who said: Mufaddal bin Ghassan told me, who was told by Ali bin Aasim, from Aamir bin Saleh Al-Zubairy, from Rabiah bin Uthman, from Thabit bin Abdullah ❧63❨: that the daughter of Ruqayqah visited Muawiyah during the illness he died from, and he said: "Mourn for me, O daughter of Ruqayqah".
She was dressed in his clothing then she said "Should I not weep for him, Should I not weep for him... All the young men in him". Then he said to his daughters: "Turn me over", and he was turned by Hind and Rumla and he said: "You certainly turn a man over. If a bowl of fire were to be put out tomorrow❧ perfect sea ❨: Rabia bin Mukaddam will not keep far away ... and watering his grave for misdeeds".
Story: 58 (Page:62)
58 - Narrated to us by Abdullah who said: Muhammad bin Saleh Al-Qurashi told me: Abu Al-Yaqzan Amer bin Hafs told me: Rib'i bin Abdullah bin Al-Jarud narrated to me, from Al-Jarud bin Abi Sabra, that when Muawiyah despaired, he sat in his lofty place, fluttering a red cloak of his, then looked at his shoulders which flesh had become loose, he began saying: [The Long Sea] 64 Harith al-Julan tells of his missing his Lord ... And Horan is an uncanny one, identical to it. Then Muawiyah said: [The Overflowing Sea] But like the flame, its glow fades ... and the emissary of death does not compete with him.
Story: 59 (Page:63)
59 - Narrated to us by Abdullah, he said: Muhammad bin Salih also informed me, who was told by Abu al-Yaqzan, who was told by Abu al-Khansa, who said: Huayy bin Hazzal al-Sa’adi once said, presumably to Muawiya, two verses before he fell ill:
[The Long Sea]'When I die, generosity dies and calls are cut off... except from a few insistent people. The hands of those asking are held back, and they withhold... from the religion and the world with renewed calls.'
So when he fell ill, he said: 'Send for Huayy to recite to me.' He came, recited to him while he was gravely ill.
Story: 60 (Page:64)
60 - Abdullah narrated to us, he said: Sa'eed bin Yahya al-Umawi told me, he said: Muhammad bin Sa'eed told us, he said: 'AbdulMalik bin 'Umayr said ❥65❥: 'Amro bin Sa'eed entered upon Mu'awiyah during his illness and said: "By Allah, O Commander of the Believers, your nose has shrunk, your lips have withered, your color has changed, and I have never seen anyone from your family in the like of your condition."
Mu'awiyah responded:[the vast sea]"Indeed, death does not create anything new ... nor a hill that erosion wears down But it is like a shooting star that shines and extinguishes.... ....and death is a match whose result is never in doubt. Is there an immortal when we perish?. ..Is there any shame in death, O people?"
Story: 61 (Page:65)
61 - Related to us by Abdullah who said: "Muhammad bin Hussein told me, who said: 'Ubaidullah bin Muhammad Al-Taymiy told me, who said: Yusuf bin Abdah related to me, who said: 'I heard Muhammad bin Sirin say ❦66❧: Muawiya was afflicted with ophthalmia (an eye condition), and he made a light padding which was then placed on him. He did not hesitate to call for it. And when it was taken away from him, he asked for it to be returned, and then said: 'May Allah mar your home, I stayed in you for twenty years as a prince, and twenty years as a caliph, and then I became what I now see.'
Story: 62 (Page:66)
62 - Abdullah narrated to us saying: Al-Hasan bin Jahur informed me, from an elder of Quraysh, who said: "A group once visited Mu'awiya and noticed scars on his skin. He praised Allah and complimented Him, then said, 'As for what follows, is there anything in this world that we haven’t experienced or witnessed? By Allah, we fully embraced its luxuries and thoroughly enjoyed our lives. But it wasn’t long before the world began stripping these comforts from us, one state after the other, one certainty after another. It left us worn out, shaved off our luxuries, and made us surrender to it. So woe to the world from a home, and again, woe to the world from a home.'
Story: 63 (Page:67)
63 - Abdullah related to us, saying: Hassan, son of Abdulaziz (67) Juthami, transmitted to me. Abu Musheer also passed to me the narrative from Saeed, referring here to the son of Abdulaziz, who said: "Ma'n bin Yazid bin Akhnas Sulami entered upon Mu'awiyah while he was between two slave girls who were warming him and lifting his blanket. When Ma'n looked at him, he began to weep. Mu'awiyah asked him: 'Why are you crying? This is what they aspire for me to have. He wants to stay.’"
Story: 64 (Page:68)
64 - Narrated to us by Abd Allah, he said: I was also told by Hussein, son of Abd Al-Rahman, from Al-Walid Ibn Hisham Al-Qahzami who said: As Muawiya was on his death bed, they continuously kept moving him around the palace. He asked, "Have we reached Al-Khadra?" His daughter, Ramla, cried out, to which he responded, "What made you scream?" She replied, "We are moving you around and yet you keep asking whether we have reached Al-Khadra." He then said, "If your father's mind goes astray, it will be a long stay."
Story: 65 (Page:69)
65 - We were told by Abdullah who said: "Haroon ibn Sufyan told me from Abdullah ibn Bakr Al-Sahmi that Thumama bin Kulthum narrated that the last sermon that Muawiya gave, he said: "O people! I am from a crop that has been harvested, and I have led you. No one will lead you after me except one who is worse than me, as the one who was before me was better than me. And O Yazid! When my term is fulfilled, let a sagacious man perform my ablution. For indeed, the sagacious is upon God's sight. Let him perform a good ablution and pronounce the Takbeer aloud."
"Then direct him to a handkerchief in the storeroom that contains a garment from the garments of the Prophet - may Allah bless him and grant him peace - and some strand of his hair and his nails. Entrust these in my nose, my mouth, my ears, and my eyes, and place the garment on my skin beneath my shrouds. And O Yazid! Keep Allah's commandment regarding the parents. When you have inserted me into my litter and placed me in my excavation, leave Muawiya and have mercy, O Most Merciful."
Story: 66 (Page:70)
67 - Narrated by Abdullah, and Zakariya bin Yazeed, who related from Ali bin Aasim, from Ibn Jurej, from Al-Hasan bin Muslim, from Tawus, from Ibn Abbas who said: As Mu'awiyah was on his deathbed, he said, "'My son, I was with the Messenger of Allah (Peace and blessings upon him) at Safa. I made a prayer with a comb and took some of his hairs, and it is in place such and such. When I die, take that hair and fill my mouth and nostrils.'."
Some scholars told me, from an elder in Quraish, that when Muawiyah said this, his daughter versified in 'The Long Sea': "When I die, generosity dies and the sound of ringing cuts off... There are griefs from people except for a few... Beggar's hands are responded and they are held back... From the religion and the world with a renewed substitute. No! O Prince of the Believers, may Allah push away from you."
Mu'awiyah responded in verse: "And when death clings with its nails... You will find that every charm does not benefit." Then he was unconscious. Then he woke up and told those of his family who were present, "Fear Allah. Indeed, Allah protects those who fear Him, and there is no protection for those who do not fear Allah." Then he died.
Story: 68 (Page:71)
68 - Abdallah narrates to us, he said: "Muhammad ibn Saleh Al-Qurashi told me: Abu Al-Yaqthan told me: Juwayriya ibn Asmaa told me: When Muawiyah was faced with death, his daughters were terrified. He slapped his hand down and it landed in the lap of his daughter, Ramla. He asked, 'Who is this?' Ramla replied, 'It's me, father.' He said, 'Change your approach, because you are revolving it completely around.' Then he said: [Al-Bahr Al-Kamil] Raebah ibn Mukaddam will not leave ... and watered Ghawadi's grave with sins. This was his last speech."
Story: 69 (Page:72)
69 - Abdullah narrated to us, he said: Sa'eed bin Yahya told me. He said: Abdullah bin Sa'eed narrated to us, from Ziyaad bin Abdullah, from Awana. He said: When death approached Mu'awiyah, his family surrounded him. As they were turning him, he said to them: "Indeed, you are turning something over and over. If he is saved from the fire tomorrow," then he said: [The Simple Sea] "I have gathered for you an assembly of honor...and I have saved you from the trouble of travel and the effort."
Story: 70 (Page:73)
70 - Abdullah told us: "Muhammad Ibn Abbad Ibn Musa Al-Ukli also told me: 'Hisham Ibn Muhammad Ibn Abi Al-Sa'ib Al-Makhzumi said: 'Muawiya said while being generous to himself: "[Light Sea] If you argue, let your argument be, O Lord... a punishment with no restraint for me in punishment. Or overlook, for you are my Lord, merciful... upon a wrongdoer whose sins are like dust."
Story: 71 (Page:74)
71 - Abdallah told us, saying: Sulaiman bin Al-Asha'th wrote to me, informing me (72), that Al-Haytham bin Marwan bin Al-Haytham bin Imran informed them, from Abi Mushir, from Khalid bin Yazid bin Sabaeh said: I was told by Yaqub bin Uthman, who said: I was informed by Abdulrahman bin Umm Al-Hakam, who said: Umm Al-Hakam informed me that she was with Muawiya when he fainted and when he regained consciousness, he wanted to show them, so he said: [Al-Bahr Al-Wafir] "Is there any Khalid when we die... and is there, O people, disgrace in death?"
Story: 72 (Page:75)
72 - Narrated by Abdullah, he said: Muhammad bin Hussein told me, from Salt bin Hakim, from some of his men, that Muawiyah, when he was dying, began to say: "[the long sea]By my life, I have lived for a while in the age ... and the world approached me with the impact of calamities, and I was given the accumulation of wealth, forbearance, and prohibition ... and accepted the rules of tyrant kings. Then, what used to please me ... became like a blink of an eye that passed in the everlasting graves.
73 - Oh, if only I hadn't been rich in power for a moment ... and I hadn't been rich in the pleasures of a shining life, and I was like someone who lived in Bulghah ... from the age until he visited the narrowness of the graves."
Story: 73 (Page:76)
73 - Narrated to us by 'Abdullah, he said: My father told me, recounted to me by 'Abu 'Abdullah bin al-Munadhir, he said: Mu'awiya appeared at the time of death: "[The dramatic sea] if something visible passes away, it certainly passes ... 'Abu Hayyan is not helpless or delegated, the background is the scared heart, and ...does not push away the doubt of the inevitable, the tricks."
Story: 74 (Page:77)
74 - It was narrated to us by Abdullah who said: Ibrahim bin Al-Mundhir Al-Hizami told me who said: Zakariya bin Manzur sent word to me who said: Muhammad bin Uqbah informed me saying: When Muawiyah was on his deathbed, he said: "I wish I was a man from the Quraysh with simple livelihood, and that I didn't have any part in this matter".
Story: 75 (Page:78)
75 - Abdullah told us saying: Abu Zaid Al-Numairi told us saying: Abu Ghassan Muhammad ibn Yahya Al-Kinani told me: Abdulaziz ibn Imran ibn ⦗74⦘ Omar ibn Abdul Rahman ibn Awf, from his father, from his grandfather, said: When Abdul Malik ibn Marwan was on his death bed, he looked at a washerman by the side of Damascus, twisting a garment with his hand, then striking the wash basin. Abdul Malik said, "By Allah, I wish I was a washerman, earning my daily living, and had nothing to do with public affairs." Abdulaziz, from his father, said: When Abu Hazim was informed of this, he said: "Praise be to Allah who makes them, when death is near, wish for what we have, and when death is near us, we do not wish for what they have."
Story: 76 (Page:79)
76 - Narrated to us by 'Abdullah who said: Harun bin Sufyan also narrated to me from Ubaidullah bin Muhammad Al-Taymi who said: I heard my father narrating, he said: Hafs bin Atiyya reported to us from Ibn Qubaisa bin Zhu'aib, from his father, he said ⦗75⦘: We used to hear the call of 'Abdul Malik bin Marwan from behind the veil: "O people of blessings, do not exceed in them while being at ease. And he had been afflicted with a disease in his mouth."
Story: 77 (Page:80)
77 - We were narrated by Abdullah who said: "I was narrated by Abu Abdurrahman Al-Khuzai, from Abdullah bin Ahmed who said: 'I was narrated by Muhammad bin Nasr who said: 'I was narrated by Abdullah bin Mubarak, from Al-Mufaddal bin Fadalah, from his father, who said: "A group sought permission to visit Abdul Malik bin Marwan during his severe illness, and they said, 'He is severely ill.' They continued, 'We will merely enter, stand to offer our respects, and then leave.' So, they visited him, and he was supported by a backrest against his chest, his color faded, his nostrils flared, and his eyes were wide open. He said, 'You visit me at a time of turning away from this world and turning towards the Hereafter. Indeed, I recollected my most hopeful deed, and found it to be a battle I fought for the sake of Allah, when I was unattached to these possessions. So beware and avoid our wretched paths that you may be enticed to walk.'"
Story: 78 (Page:81)
78- Abdullah told us, he said: "Abu Abd Al-Rahman Al-Azdi told me, Abu Mus-hir said ⦗76⦘: 'Abd Al-Malik ibn Marwan was asked during his illness: 'How are you feeling, O Leader of the Believers?' He responded: 'I find myself as Allah said: {And you have certainly come to Us alone as We created you the first time, and you have left whatever We bestowed upon you behind you. We do not see with you your intercessors which you claimed were among you associates [of Allah]. There has [then] arisen between you and that which you used to claim} [An'am: 94].'"
Story: 79 (Page:82)
79 - Abdullah narrated to us, he said: and Muhammad ibn Abbad ibn Musa narrated to me, from Shu'aib ibn Safwan he said: "When Abdul-Malik ibn Marwan was on his deathbed, he called his sons and gave them advice.
Then, he remained in between two statements until his soul departed: "Praise be to Allah, who does not care whether a small or a great amount is taken from His kingdom."
And the other one: [The Vast Sea] "Is there any immortal after we have perished... and is there any disgrace in death, oh people?"
Story: 80 (Page:83)
80 - Narrated to us by Abdullah, he said: narrated to me by Muhammad bin Idris, he said: narrated to us by Ibrahim bin Abdullah bin Zabr, he said: I heard Said bin Abdulaziz Al-Tanukhi narrating, he said: When something happened to 'Abd al-Malik bin Marwan, he opened the door of his palace, and there was a tailor striking his garment against a stone. He asked: "What is this?" They replied: "A tailor." He said: "I wish I were a tailor." He repeated it twice.
Said bin Abdulaziz then said: "All praise is due to Allah, who made them turn in fright and seek refuge with us, and we do not flee toward them."
Story: 81 (Page:84)
81 - Narrated to us by Abdullah, who said: Narrated to us by Ahmad ibn Jameel, who said: Abdul Allah ibn Al-Mubarak informed us, who said: Umar ibn Sa'eed ibn Abi Hussein informed us, from Ibn Sabit Al-Jumahi: that he left Qinnasrin and he was a traveler, then a man pointed me towards the grave of Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan, so I stopped to look, then a servant passed by and said: "Why are you standing here?" ⦗78⦘ I said: "I am looking at the grave of this man, who came to us in Mecca in power and command, then I was surprised at what reverted to him." He said: "Should I inform you about his news, perhaps it will frighten you?" I asked "what is his news?" He replied: "This ‘King of Earth’ was sent messages by the 'King of Heaven and Earth'. He took his soul, his family brought him and put him here, until Allah comes on the Day of Resurrection with the poor people of Damascus."
Story: 82 (Page:85)
82 - Abdullah told us, he said, Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Ziyad Al-Bahili told me that Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Khuza'i, from Ibn 'Amir Al-Hudhali, said: "Sulaiman bin Abd al-Malik entered upon Walid bin Abd al-Malik while he was struggling with himself. When he looked at him, he said, "Seat me", and he was seated, then he said while pretending: [The perfect sea] "And my endurance to those who gloat.. I show them... that I do not give in to the doubt of fate." Then Sulaiman said: ⦗79⦘ "And when the inevitable grappling... Did you find that every amulet does not help."
Story: 83 (Page:86)
83 - Abdullah told us, he said: Muhammad bin Sa'eed bin Skhr Al-Dramy told me, he said: I heard my father saying: Sulaiman bin Abdel Malik used to take the mirror, look into it, and see from his horn to his foot and say: “Indeed, the young king”. When he descended to Marj Dabiq and the fever spread in his army, he called some of his servants. A woman came with a basin that then fell. He said to her: What is up with you? She said: I have a fever. He asked: Where is so-and-so? She replied: She has a fever. No one remained but she said: Has a fever ⦗80⦘. So, Sulaiman said: "Praise be to Allah who made his successor on earth have no one to illuminate him”, then he turned to his uncle Al-Walid bin Al-Qa'qa' Al-Absi and said: [Full Sea] “get your ablution close, O Walid, for ... this life is high and enjoyable, do something good for yourself in your life ... for in time there is separation and gathering” And he died in his illness.
Story: 84 (Page:87)
84 - Narrated by Abdullah, he said: Al-Muthanna ibn Mu'adh ibn Mu'adh told us, he said: I heard my father saying: When Sulaiman ibn Abd al-Malik was on his deathbed, he kept saying: "The sea of monks, indeed my sons are young ... successful is he who has elders." Omar ibn Abd al-Aziz would reply: The believers are successful, O Amir al-Mu'minin. And Sulaiman would say: "Indeed, my sons are summer... successful is he who has winter." Again Omar would say: "The believers are successful, O Amir al-Mu’mineen."
85 - Abdullah told us, he said: Some of the scholars told me: The last thing Sulaiman said was: "I ask you for a generous return." Then he passed away.
Story: 86 (Page:88)
86 - We were informed by Abdullah who said: We were told by Ahmad Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Katheer, and others who all said: We were told by Wahb Ibn Jarir who said: My father said: I heard Al-Mughira Ibn Hakim saying: Fatima bint Abd al-Malik, the wife of Omar Ibn Abd al-Aziz, said to me: "I used to hear Omar during the illness he died from saying, "Oh God, ease my death upon them even for an hour of the day." The day he passed away, I left him, and sat in another house, separated from him by a door. He was in his dome, and I heard him say, "This is the Hereafter, we reserve it for those who do not aspire to exalt themselves upon the earth or cause corruption, and the best outcome is for those who are righteous [Al-Qasas: 83]." He then went quiet. I could hear no movement or words from him. I said to Wasif, who was serving him: "Woe unto you, check on the Leader of the Believers, is he asleep?" When he entered upon him, he cried out. I rushed in, and he was dead, facing towards the Kaaba, he closed his eyes himself, and put one hand on his mouth, and the other on his eyes."
Story: 87 (Page:89)
87 - Narrated to us by Abdullah who said: "Muhammad bin Hussein informed me. He said: Al-Walid bin Saleh informed us. He said: 'We were informed by Baqiya, who heard from Abi Bakr bin Abi Maryam, who heard from Amro bin Qais'".
They said to Omar bin Abdulaziz when death approached him: "Give us some advice, O Amir al-Mu'minin (Leader of the Believers)". He responded: "I warn you about a death similar to mine, for you will undoubtedly face it. And when you place me in my grave, remove a brick from me, then see what has become of me from your world".
Story: 88 (Page:90)
88 - Narrated to me by Muhammad, he said: Hisham ibn Ubaydullah narrated to us, he said: Abu Zaid Al-Dimashqi narrated to us, he said:
When Omar bin Abdul Aziz fell ill, a doctor was summoned for him. The doctor, upon examination, said, "I believe this man has been given poison, and I do not think he will survive." Omar looked to him and said: "And death is not safe even for those who have not been poisoned." (83)
The doctor asked: "Have you felt this, O Commander of the Faithful?" He replied: "Yes, I knew when it fell in my stomach." The physician said: "Get treated, O Commander of the Faithful, for I fear you may lose yourself." He said: "My Lord is the best to turn to. By Allah, if I knew that my cure was at the tip of my ear, I would not raise my hand to my ear to grab it. Oh Allah, choose for Omar in his meeting. He did not survive long after this, and then he passed away. May Allah have mercy on him."
Story: 89 (Page:91)
89 - Abdullah narrated to us saying: Muhammad informed me saying: Yahya ibn al-Sakan reported to us saying: ...Ibn Muhammad al-Ijliy informed us, from Yahya ibn Abi Kathir who said:
When Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz was on his deathbed, he wept. It was said to him, "What makes you cry, O Leader of the Believers? Rejoice, for Allah brought life through you to Sunnah (Islamic traditions), and manifest justice through you."
He wept again and then said, "Will I not be questioned about the affairs of this creation? By Allah, if I thought I had been just to them, I would still fear for myself that I could not present my case before Allah, unless He gives me words for my defense. So how much more for what we have done?" He said, then his eyes overflowed (with tears). He did not last but a little longer after that until he died. May Allah have mercy on him.
Story: 90 (Page:92)
Abdullah narrated to us, he said: "Muhammad told me, he said: Harith ibn Bahram has told us, he said: Nadhr bin Arabi told me, he reported from Layth bin Abi Ruqayah, from Umar bin Abdulaziz. He said, "During his illness which he died in, he said: 'Sit me up.' So they sat him up. Then he said, 'I am the one whom you commanded and fell short, and you forbade me yet I disobeyed.' He repeated this three times. But there is no god but Allah."
Then he lifted his head, sharply gazing, and then he said to him: 'Your gaze towards me is intense, O' commander of the believers?' He said, 'Indeed, I see presence; they are neither human nor Jinn.' Then he passed away."
Story: 91 (Page:93)
91 - Narrated to us by Abdullah who said: Ibrahim, the father of Ishaq Al-Adami, told me: Narrated to us by Muslim bin Ibrahim who said: Hirash bin Malik Al-Juhani narrated from Abdel-Malik bin Abi Othman, from Muslamah bin Abdel-Malik who said: "When Omar bin Abdel-Aziz was on his deathbed, we were with him in a dome, he gestured us to leave. So we left, and sat around the dome, and a confidant remained with him. We heard him reciting this verse: 'That is the home of the Hereafter which We assign to those who do not desire exaltedness upon the earth or corruption. And the [best] outcome is for the righteous' [Al-Qasas: 83]. You are not human nor jinn & #10013;85& #10013;. Then the confidant came out, and gestured us to enter. We entered and found that he has passed."
Story: 92 (Page:94)
92 - Narrated by Abdullah who said: Umar ibn Abi Muadh al-Numairi told me: I heard my father narrating from Amro ibn Kulaib, from Salim scribe of Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik, who said: "One day, Hisham came out to us, leaning his neck forward, relaxing the reins of his ride, his clothes hanging loosely on him. He walked a little, then it seemed he realized something, so he pulled the reins of his camel, straightened his clothes, then he said to the spring (time) - while he was on his guard -: Call Al-Abresh ibn Al-Walid al-Kalbi, Salim ibn Abdullah - Hisham's Mawla - said: They surrounded him, Al-Abresh approached him and said: O Amir al-Mu'minin, today I saw something from you, he said: And what is it? He informed him of his condition that he had come out to them in. He said: Woe to you, O Abresh, do you think that isn't going to happen? The scholars and astronomers claim that I will die in thirty-three days, so when I heard that I pulled the reins of my camel, and called for one of my scribes, he brought me an inkwell and paper, so I wrote ⦗86⦘: The Amir al-Mu'minin mentioned that he is traveling to thirty-three days from this day. When the night of the thirty-third day had passed, a servant came to me and said: Catch up to the Amir al-Mu'minin and bring medicine with you. The medicine used for heart disease was with him. So I took the medicine to him, he started to gargle with it and the pain he was feeling did not stop, until some of the night had passed, then he said: O Salim, leave and leave the medicine with me, for it seems I have found some relief. I returned to my house, I could not sleep until I heard a scream about him."
Story: 93 (Page:95)
Translation: 93 - Abdullah told us, saying: Harun ibn Abi Yahya al-Sulami told me, from an elder of Quraysh who said, "Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik imprisoned Iyad ibn Muslim - who was a scribe for al-Walid ibn Yazid - and hit him and dressed him in coarse cloth. He remained imprisoned until Hisham died. When Hisham became seriously ill and his condition became such that no one expected him to live, he was overcome by a fainting spell and they thought he had died. Iyad ibn Muslim sent a message to the treasurers: Hold on to what you possess, let no one get anything. Hisham regained consciousness from his fainting spell, they asked the treasurers for something, but they refused them, so Hisham said: "We were the treasurers for al-Walid [87] and Hisham died at that time. Iyad was released from prison, he sealed the doors and the treasures. He ordered that Hisham be removed from his bed, and they were prevented from shrouding him from the treasures. So Ghalib - a client of Hisham - shrouded him, and they did not find a kettle in which to heat the water until they borrowed one, so the people said: Indeed, in this there is a lesson for those who would take heed.
Story: 94 (Page:96)
94 - Abdallah narrated to us, he said: My father, may Allah have mercy on him, narrated to me from Ishaq Abi Omar Al-Shaybani who said: When Hisham bin Abd al-Malik was on his deathbed, he saw his family crying around him. He said: "Hisham was generous with you in this world, and you repay him with tears. He left behind all that he amassed for you, and you left him with all his burden. How tremendous will Hisham's change be if he is not forgiven."
95 - Abdallah narrated to us, he said: Mufaddal bin Ghasan narrated, from his elderly mentor who said: An Arab passed by the grave of Hisham after he was buried, and his servant was standing over the grave saying: "O Commander of the Faithful, after you left, such and such things happened. After you left, such and such things transpired." The Arab said to him: "Does he have conscience now? I swear by Allah, if he were to be resurrected, he would tell you that he is in a worse situation than what you have experienced."
Story: 96 (Page:97)
96 - Abdullah informed us and said: Abdullah Ibn Hassan narrated from Masroor, the servant, he said: "Haroon, Commander of the Believers, when he was dying, he ordered me to bring him his shroud. I brought it to him, and he started examining it by his hands, then he ordered me and I dug his grave, then he ordered and was carried to it, he began to ponder over it and said, 'My wealth did not avail me at all, my power has perished.' [The Inevitable 69:29] He started to cry, then he resembled it with a line of poetry."
97 - Abdullah informed us and said: "I heard Ali Ibn Al-Ja'd say, 'When Al-Mu'tasim was about to die, he began to say, 'The tricks have gone, there are no tricks.' until he was silenced."
98 - Abdullah informed us and said: "An elder from Quraish told me that he started to say, 'I am taken away from this creation.'
99 - Abdullah informed us and said: "I was informed that he said, 'If I had known that my life was so short, I would not have done what I did.'
Story: 100 (Page:98)
100 - Abdullah informed us, saying: "Ahmad son of Muhammad also informed me," he said, "Abdullah son of Haroon son of Ma'mar al-Taghlibi told me:
The Caliph Al-Muntasir was secretly plotting, someone said to him: 'Do not worry, O Commander of the Faithful.' He responded: 'There's nothing more to it. Verily, the worldly life and the Hereafter have gone.'
Story: 101 (Page:99)
101 - Abdullah told us, he said: Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-Azdi told me, he said: "Aaron, the Leader of the Believers, while on his deathbed, said: 'I got it from the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him.'
Story: 102 (Page:100)
102 - We were told by Abdullah who said: I was told by Salamah ibn Shabeeb who said: We were informed by Sahl ibn Aasim, from Mas'oud bin Khalaf who said: Abdul Malik bin Marwan said in his illness, "By Allah, I longed to be a slave to a man from Tihamah, herding spoils in its mountains, and that I did not rule."
- 1 . Hadith and Narrations about Deathbed
أحاديث وآثار في الاحتضار - 2 . Chapter: Having a Good Opinion of Allah at the Time of Death
باب حسن الظن بالله عند نزول الموت - 3 . Mentioning the Saying of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) at the Time of Death
ذكر قول رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عند الموت - 4 . The Sayings of the Caliphs at the Time of Death
مقالة الخلفاء عند حضور الموت - 5 . What the Rulers and Kings Said at the Time of Their Death
ما قالت الأمراء والملوك عند نزول الموت بها - 6 . Chapter: Consoling Oneself at the Time of Death with Patience and Reckoning
باب تعزية النفس عند الاحتضار بالصبر والاحتساب - 7 . Chapter: Distress at the Time of Death Out of Fear of an Evil Outcome
باب الجزع عند الموت مخافة سوء المرد - 8 . Chapter: Those Who Recited Poetry at the Time of Death
باب من تمثل بشعر عند الموت - 9 . Chapter: On Various Sayings and Conditions
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